
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” St Augustine.

Welcome to my journeys and adventures as I reminisce through the scrolls of the past and envisage the future. I am delighted to share my experiences and snaps with my website viewers. The photographs are right off the camera. Reality is weather isn’t always cooperative and sunny days can be elusive. Every now and then you may across dull snaps.

About Me

I could say that I inherited the traveling gene from my mother and passed it on to my two children. For the last twelve or so years, I have been travelling international with my two kids. Between the three of us, we select the destinations, conduct a thorough research and create a detailed itinerary.

If you have been putting off your travel desires and are overwhelmed by the thought of the process, let me help you in fulfilling your travel dreams. 

Don’t hold back, reach out by filling this Contact Form

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain.

Our Travels

We travel during school break in spring and winter, and summer vacation. Our journeys range from 1 - 3 weeks. It is fair to say that we are usually on time crunch given the short school break and taking time off from work. Over time, we have adapted to plan efficiently. In the earlier days, we would take the time to travel ourselves across cities and countries. Thumbs up to Rail Euro for Europe vacations! In the last few years, we have moved on to organized private or group day tours. Thumbs up to Viator!   

Our goal has been to take the time to visit a country, and to admire and educate ourselves on the architecture, scenery, culture and food. We try our best to keep it to one country per trip. Occasionally, we have bundled few neighboring countries in one trip.

Spring and autumn are pleasant months to travel to most countries in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Weather is decent with enough day light hours and it is less crowded. Last two weeks of March is a ‘semi-peak’ season as some schools and colleges break for spring. In future, when my children have completed school and are off to college, I plan to travel alone in autumn months of October and November. In autumn, school-age children are back in school; airfare, hotel and tour prices are lower than peak season and availability is higher.